Saturday, 28 January 2012


Spagetti hero: This old style black and white film involves kids acting out as western cowboys, commonly known for the word "tequila" and involves the hero and villians, in a western cowboy epic.
For this assignment , me and my production team used found footage(all of the film) of filming related to this topic, but the film wasent edited , therefore we had to log our footage first , it was a pain for a few moments invloving errors but in the end , we were able to do catch up.then we inported them onto the Mac then it went through a log and capture session , were we selected scenes we wanted, and picked out the scenes (also using the script), that we thought would do us a good favour.
then we finished it. in the end me and my production team were happy with what we had produced, concidering it could have been better if their wasent for a majour fault of getting the logging incorrect, like we had to be cut using the eraser tool firmly to get rid of unwanted voices,also learned how to lower down the volime levels(so that the volume wasn't so loud) by using a pen looking tool on the right and a triangle like lines on the bottm left(which were both in a box button).This enabled me to apply which sound levels wanted. however even thought we team made mistakes i myself learned some new skills, one of them would be fade to black in the effects area, and understanding the use of what a video, sound or voice was, in the end i believe i have learned alot from spagetti hero , and hope to apply those skills in future projects.